09 - May
(Nearby Event: Festivals & Fairs)
Where:Restaurant Oscar's, Jalisco, Mexico, http://www.eventbrite.com/e/bugambilia-festival-pu, 48300
Celebrate the 2nd Annual Bugambilia Festival 2014 will be held at Restaurant Oscar's on 5/9-5/11. The Second Annual Bugambilia Festival is just around the corner! And we hope you’ll be able to participate. Puerto Vallarta, with all the bougainvillea, is looking great thanks to generous donations to pay for the Vallarta Garden Club gardener and to provide us with a truck and necessary equipment to water the plants, a vital task during the dry season. We’ve also had a loyal cadre of weeders helping every week making sure planters and trees look good. A big “thank you” to all! More details: http://gaypv.mx/events/bugambilia-festival-2014/
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